Astrology is ubiquitous, and nearly all are familiar with the zodiac or sun signs.
Astrology in Europe & the USA
- More and more Americans, compared with ten years ago, believe that Astrology is a Science.
- According to a survey by the National Science Foundation, nearly half of all Americans say astrology is either very scientific, or sort-of scientific.
- The millennial drive astrology resurgence in Europe and the US.
- 74% of Cosmopolitan’s eighty-one million monthly readers in 2019 were obsessed with astrology, and 72% checked their horoscopes daily. Cosmopolitan dedicated a 9-page section, or 10% of the magazine, to astrology.
- The synastry of astrology (Guna Milap) is a uniquely holistic solution to the compatibility riddle in Europe and the USA.
- Astrology is no more a niche market in the US because nearly 40% of American women read their horoscopes at least once a month. According to IBIS World, the Psychic Industry (comprising of astrology, palmistry, and others) in the US reported $2 billion in revenues in 2018 alone.
- Venture and institutional funds have finally caught up with the astrology market. In 2019 alone, Five Four Ventures funded Sanctuary – an astrology app that, for $19.95 a month, provides free daily horoscopes and a monthly one-on-one chat with an astrologer. And, a few weeks after Sanctuary was available for download, Co-Star – an app that lets people download and compare their birth charts, raised over $5m in funding from venture capital firms. And an additional $16 million since.

Daily use of astrology (Jyotish), as a way of life, in India
- Jyotish (predictive karmic astrology/Vedic astrology) has been a way of life in India for over 2000 years.
- Predictive karmic astrology is and has been, a way of life in India for over 2000 years.
- The birth (or natal) chart is also the map of past accumulated karmas, and the belief in it is indisputable in India.
- Compatibility matching based on the Synastry of Astrology (Guna Milap) is a prerequisite for millions of arranged Hindu marriages, annually. Many attribute the low Hindu divorce rate – of less than 5% – to the Guna Milap compatibility matching. About 250 million Hindus will marry in the next 15 years in India!
- The astrology products and services related market in India is worth more than Rupees 70,000 crore (about $ 9 billion).
- The astrology products and services market is highly fragmented and growing in India. The market lacks a dominant player so far.
- Most important occasions and decisions like starting a business, moving into a house, selecting the exact time and date of marriage, who to marry, naming a child, signing documents, litigation, and more require consultation with a Jyotish (karmic astrologer/Vedic astrologer) in India.
In India, astrology, spirituality, religion, and holistic living are interwoven.
- A Jyotish (Karmic or Vedic Astrologer) – is (more often than not) a Hindu priest or pundit and usually sets auspicious dates for holding social, spiritual, and religious events. They conduct ceremonies for weddings, the naming of the child, moving into a new house, death, and more.
- Hindu priests or pundits are usually Karmic/Vedic astrologers and perform remedial measures to correct planetary afflictions, marriages, business partnership-related compatibility mismatches, and much more.
- The involvement of a Hindu priest/pundit (usually also a Karmic/Vedic astrologer) at all religious and most social Hindu events is a matter of fact in India, which is home to about one billion Hindus.
- Astrology, religion, and spirituality are inseparable in India.
- Predictive karmic astrology (Jyotish) is more complex, comprehensive, and holistic. It employs more techniques and considers many more elements and variables in analysis than the Western or other systems. Countless rules and processes were developed over many thousand years by a society that embraced astrology in its everyday life. The holistic nature and time-consuming techniques allow for more accuracy and subtlety of predictions and analysis.
- Jyotish allows for relationship-based preventive astrological guidance. It is a system of predicting actual events and circumstances in a person’s life. It is as concerned with fame, fortune, and wealth as personality, motivation, and psychology. It has been used as a “preventive protocol” to manage relationships and life for over a thousand years.