The online services leverage the time-tested belief of over a billion Hindus in karmic-astrology/Vedic astrology and the resurgence of astrology in Europe and the USA.
The worldwide dating and Indian matrimonial matchmaking services are released and market-tested for acceptability and an aggressive marketing launch in India.
India (with over 1 billion people who believe in karma and karmic astrology at some level) is the low-hanging fruit for Zotality and its services. The Company, however, will release the dating and proposed 24/7 holistic Astro-guidance services in Europe and the US.
The worldwide dating, Indian matrimonial matchmaking, and 24/7 holistic astro guidance services are integrated seamlessly with astro eCommerce, offering astrological products and services.

Our worldwide dating service utilizes the ancient and time-tested precepts of the synastry of astrology (Guna Milap) to find compatible dates and lasting relationships for users. The online platform facilitates karmic astrology-based online dating and holistic matchmaking and offers relationship guidance. The site helps users find their karmic companions and avoid wasting time on physically and emotionally incompatible matches.
The worldwide dating service will retain live-in partners and married couples as users or paid subscribers by incentivizing them to migrate to the 24/7 holistic astro guidance service.

The Astro-eCommerce modules and the 24/7 holistic Astro-guidance, dating, and matrimony services are integrated seamlessly. The integrated Astro-eCommerce service will offer authentic products, such as effective Astro-gemstones, and customized and credible Astro-guidance from qualified astrologers with a graduate, postgraduate, or doctorate in karmic astrology. ZoTality will verify all astro-analysis and predictions to meet the guidelines and rules stipulated in the ancient authoritative karmic astrology (Jyotish) texts and scriptures. The astro eCommerce service will also offer astrologically aligned wedding products and services on the matrimonial matchmaking platform. The Company will offer spiritual and religious services on the 24/7 holistic astro guidance platform.