Kundali Matrimony’s most recent pay-per-click test-campaign, through Google Ads, added more than 1480 users at a 16.5% click to conversion ratio, and – a ridiculously low – cost per acquisition (CPA) of INR 5.93 ($0.08 per user acquisition, at an exchange rate of $1 = INR 75).
(NOTE: The largest and oldest matrimonial site, competing with Kundali Matrimony, was offering INR 245 per free-user acquisition (about $3.27 per user acquisition, at an exchange rate of $1 = INR 75) to its affiliate sales agents.
ZoTality intends to raise capital through a private offering and subscription agreement. Shareholders are welcome to contact the Company for a copy of the proposed investment documents.
Receive updates on Zotality Inc., and its products and services right to your inbox. Exciting developments in the world of astrology, dating, matrimony, and holistic astro guidance for relationships and life management - and how they affect Zotality Inc. - will be made available in your inbox.
If astrology's application to dating, matrimony, or holistic astro guidance for life and relationships management interest you, then check out The President’s/CEO's Blog for yet another perspective.
Predictive karmic astrology drives ZoTality and its dating, matrimony, as well as 24/7 astro guidance services. ZoTality’s proprietary AI, content, and predictions act as a preventive protocol for managing relationships and important life issues.
Karmic astrology drives ZoTality and its astro eCommerce
ZoTality’s platforms are seamlessly integrated with astro eCommerce pages, and offers authentic astro products and credible astro guidance from qualified astrologers with a graduate, postgraduate or doctorate in karmic astrology (“Jyotish”).
Karmic astrology is the study of karma
Karmic astrology (“Jyotish“) is the study of karma. And, the birth chart – in karmic astrology – is considered the map of the past accumulated karma of a person. A qualified astrologer, therefore, throws light on the possibilities, based on the study of the past accumulated karma. A qualified karmic astrologer can forewarn of the possibilities of good or bad times. Effort and determination (current karma), however, can help carve one’s destiny, even in the worst of times.
The aim of karmic astrology
The ultimate aim of karmic astrology is to help a person seek and realize the light within. This realization, on one’s karmic path, is achieved through the pursuit of the following four objectives of human life.
Dharma (the personal truth, and spiritual path)
Artha (acquisition of wealth)
Kama (enjoyment of physical, sexual, and worldly pleasures), and
Moksha (self-realization)
ZoTality’s dating and matrimony platforms are based on karmic astrology
Karmic astrology drives ZoTality and its compatibility algorithms
ZoMatch.com and KundaliMatrimony.com help users find that special someone whose karma will compliment theirs. And, together they can explore, and experience the peace of Dharma, blessings and lure of Artha, delights and ecstasy of Kama, and bliss of Moksha.
I invite and welcome you to embark on your karmic journey with ZoTality.
Highly customized predictions and related products & services will be sold through eCommerce pages and module on each site. Our platforms will offer products such as astrological gemstones and services like highly customized and comprehensive astrological guidance from qualified Jyotishis (astrologers). All three sites will offer religious and ceremonial services of Hindu priests to their Indian user-base.
We believe that one of our flagship offerings could be the “24×7 holistic astro guidance” service wherein a monthly or annual subscriber would be provided highly personalized and regular updates on the changing planetary and zodiac conditions and the possible impact, of those changes, on the user’s and user’s family members’ financial, romantic, marital, employment, business, investments, health, and general status. Such updates including remedial measures, if any, would be conveyed via emails, mobile SMS, and even phone conversations. The paid subscription would also offer online and phone consultations with graduates, postgraduates, and Ph.D. in karmic astrology.
Sign up for the “STAY UP TO DATE ON ZOTALITY” service, by providing us your email address, to receive updates on the launch of such exciting services by Zotality.
Thank you for spending your precious karmic moments with us.
CEO, Zotality, Inc.
More and More Americans Believe Astrology Is Science
More and More Americans Believe Astrology Is Science
According to data from the National Science Foundation’s released in February 2014 Science and Engineering Indicators study, the percentage of Americans who think astrology is “not at all scientific” declined from 62 percent in 2010 to just 55 percent in 2012 (the last year for which data is available). As a result, NSF reports that Americans are apparently less skeptical of astrology than they have been at any time since 1983.